Arya, the Dinoschnauzer!

Arya's birthday is in November, although we're not sure exactly which day.  In honor of her 2nd birthday, I decided to make her another sweater.   Alex and I looked through Ravelry and loved the Dogosaurus Rex pattern by Paton's.  Unfortunately, it's from an out-of-print book by Paton's, "Another Dog's Life."  Fortunately, I found it from a seller in Canada.  (Yay!)  It was a bit expensive considering that I only wanted one of the patterns, but what a cute pattern!

I made it a bit too big, but it's still really cute on her!


Patricia said…
May I purchase a copy of the pattern from you? This is just what I'm looking for!
highstrungknits said…
I'm sorry, but I'm not done with the booklet, so I'm not willing to sell it. The title is "Another Dog's Life" and, at this moment, Amazon shows 10 used copies available starting at $14.95.
It is an adorable pattern! Good luck!
Visitor Rabbit said…
Hi there, I love that sweater and have just adopted a dog that I would love to knit it for. Would it be possible for you to scan a copy of that particular pattern to me if I give you my email address? I would be happy to trade it for a parcel of goodies from the UK! No problem if you don't feel comfortable, just thought I'd try :)
highstrungknits said…
Hi Visitor Rabbit! I'm glad that you love the sweater and love to hear that you want to knit for your adopted doggie. I really don't feel comfortable scanning copyrighted works, though.

It's a pretty basic dog sweater. Then the spots are added in duplicate stitch, so you can add them to any pattern you may already have. The spines are just triangles knit in different colors and sewn on along the back. Hopefully that helps!

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